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Set Proxy

Terminal window
vmr sp "http(socks5)://"

Set Reverse Proxy

Terminal window
vmr sr ""

Start TUI

Terminal window

Explanations for TUI


  • 1-> Search box (Just search by prefix).
  • 2-> Message List (Including SDK List and Version List).
  • 3-> Hints for key map.


  • Press “enter” to start searching.
  • Press “tab” to swith focus between list and search box.
  • Press “esc” to exit.
  • Press “ctrl+c” to exit.
  • And more…

Key Map Hints for SDK-list


  • Press “l” to show local installed versions for the selected SDK.
  • Press “o” to open the homepage of the selected SDK with browser.
  • Press “c” to delete the cached files for the selected SDK.
  • Press “r” to uninstall all the versions installed for the selected SDK.
  • Press “s” to show all available versions for the selected SDK.
  • Press “w” to show which sdks are installed for current system.
  • And more…

Key Map Hints for Available-version-list


  • Press “i” to install the selected version.
  • Press “l” to lock the selected version for current project.
  • Press “s” to use/install the selected version in current session only.
  • Press “b” to go back to SDK-list.
  • And more…

Key Map Hints for Installed-version-list


  • Press “c” to clear cached files for the selected version.
  • Press “r” to uninstall the selected version.
  • Press “l” to lock the selected version for current project.
  • Press “u” to use/swith to the selected version.
  • Press “s” to swith to the selected version in current session only.
  • Press “b” to go back to SDK-list.
  • And more…

SDK List not found?

How to enable multi-thread download?

Set number of threads > 1.

Terminal window
vmr st 2

How to toggle customed mirrors?

Terminal window
# $HOME/.vmr/customed_mirrors.toml
vmr tm

The default customed mirrors is available here.